Complaints Procedure
As a client of Cromwell Wilkes, you have the right to expect the best.
To this end we state the following:
Cromwell Wilkes aims to provide the very highest standards of service to all our clients. From our first meeting, through to the conclusion of your case, we want you to be impressed with the quality of our work and the manner in which we deal with and address your concerns.
If we get things wrong, then we want you to tell us. We take all complaints very seriously indeed and strive to both resolve them, and learn from them. If you do have a complaint, then this leaflet tells you how to make it, and how we will respond.
How to complain
If there is any aspect of our service with which you are not satisfied then you should inform the Legal Director of Cromwell Wilkes, Richard Roberts, any caseworker, or the Casework Manager. You can do so verbally, in person or over the telephone, or in writing, by letter or email. Alternatively, you can write to “The Board of Directors” via our office address.
All complaints will be treated equally seriously, however they are communicated.
You will already have been provided with full details of how to contact the Legal Director when you became a client of Cromwell Wilkes. When making your complaint, please give as much detail as possible in terms of where you believe we have fallen short in our professional standards. The greater the detail in your complaint, the better our chances of resolving the matter quickly.
What will happen next?
Upon receipt, full details of your complaint will be immediately recorded in a central register, and in your own case file. You will have the right to receive a copy of this record if you so request. Resolving your complaint will then become our priority.
The director responsible for considering your complaint will acknowledge it within 48 hours and a full investigation into the matter will then take place.
The director will prepare a full written response which will be sent to you no later than 7 working days following the date of your complaint.
The response will explain the substance of the director’s investigation and set out his or her conclusions, together with any suggestions as to how the matter can best be resolved. (In the unlikely event we cannot comply with this deadline then you will be notified and informed of the reasons. An alternative deadline will then be agreed).
If your complaint is substantiated then the director will discuss with you what action might best be taken to remedy the error and avoid any repetition, whilst ensuring that you can remain confident in the standards of our service as your case progresses.
If you are not satisfied with the director’s response, then you may request that the matter be referred to a second director who will consider the complaint anew.
This second director will review the previous decision and make a second finding as to whether your complaint should be upheld (partially or in full), or dismissed.
This second director’s review should be completed within 14 days of you asking that it take place.
The decision following the second director’s review shall be final.
If you are not satisfied with this decision, then you may take your complaint directly to the Office of the Immigration Service Commissioner (OISC). The OISC can be contacted at:
Office of the Immigration Service Commissioner
Complaints Team
5th Floor,
21 Bloomsbury Street,
London WC1B 3HF.
Tel: 0207 211 1500
Please however also note the following:
- You are under no obligation to comply with our internal complaints procedure.
- You can complain directly to the OISC at any time, and without informing us that you intend to do so.
- If you believe that the difficulties between us cannot be resolved, and you therefore no longer feel that you wish us to have conduct of your legal matter, we shall ensure that your file is closed promptly, and your documents made ready for collection by yourself, or transfer to another adviser, within 7 working days of being notified.
- You do not need our permission to approach a different legal adviser to ask them to take conduct of your case. Nor are you obliged to inform us in advance if you intend to do so. A list of regulated advisers can be found on the OISC’s website. (You may of course remain liable for any outstanding payment on work already carried out on your behalf and, if this is the case, we may issue an invoice to that effect to the address you have provided. Your being liable for outstanding payment will not however delay the transfer or collection of your documents either to yourself or another legal adviser instructed to act on your behalf.
- We have no legal right to retain your documents pending payment of any outstanding balance.
- If you wish to take legal action against us, then we can confirm we have in place appropriate Professional Indemnity Insurance to meet any such claims.
We hope the information is clear and helpful. If you have any queries, then please feel free to raise them at any time.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Cromwell Wilkes Limited