Business Audits for Immigration Law Compliance

If you’re found to have employed illegal workers without having carried out the necessary pre-employment checks, you could face a fine of up to £20,000 per person. Immigration law compliance can be difficult and confusing, especially if you’re not familiar with their terms.

At Cromwell Wilkes, our detailed Compliance Audits will be carried out on your behalf, and we’ll certify where such checks have been successfully completed.

As long as you keep your certificate up to date as you recruit new workers, your business will remain protected against financial penalty, even if any of your employees are subsequently revealed to not have the right to work in the UK.

A Compliance Audit from Cromwell Wilkes is a sound investment for your business if you employ workers from outside the European Economic Area.

For more information about how our team of professional immigration lawyers can help you, please get in touch today.

Business Audits for Immigration Law Compliance

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